I look for images which capture a kind of magic of the everyday - the subtle moments as life unfolds. It's my way of telling a story. I love how photographs can evoke memories as well as reference reality. I photograph to see the possibilities of what is, what can be and sometimes what was. It's a discovery and the resultant image is a tremendous gift. This blog is a means of sharing and giving back some uncommonly beautiful moments provided by the people and places I met. The title, You Are Here, came about as a desire for this space to function both as a kind of guidepost and meeting point. Thank you.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Baby Tessa: Today I Eat Cake!!!

Couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of photographing an adorable little girl named Tessa. The occasion was not just her 1st Birthday but also a heartfelt and unique Baby Naming and Baby Blessing ceremony. Tessa's dotting parents, Michelle and Jonathan personally designed and wrote most of the interdenominational ceremony to celebrate the family's Christian and Jewish faiths. With around 40 people gathered made up of family and close friends, the event took place at Michelle's, Jonathan's and Tessa's home in Weston, Connecticut. It was a gorgeous Sunday with signs of Spring in the air and warm, bright light streaming in through the wall of windows on one side of the grand lodge-like living room.
The Baby Naming and Blessing started with everybody singing for Tessa 'You Are My Sunshine', which brought on a delightfully playful element to the rest of the ceremony. With loving emotion, Tessa's grandmothers read couple of poems they individually chose for the occasion: Grandma Joelle's pick was ee cummings' "i carry your heart with me" and Grandma Barbara read Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "How Do I Love Thee."
Throughout the entire event Tessa was simply wonderful! In her mother's or father's arms she seemed perfectly happy and at ease. As part of the Baby Naming Tessa's Hebrew name was announced for the first time and it is Leilah, which means night beauty (but of course she already shines during the day!).
Looking at the photographs I am reminded of the good feelings present that day - there was a genuine sense of family, closeness and love.

Thanks for having me document this joyous day - here's some of my favorite images. Enjoy your slideshow!

The grand living room with incredible light just pouring in and enough space to fit over 40 guest.

I love the way the men are gathered around Jonathan and Tessa with Michelle in the distance.

The day had this magical quality to it and it was fun to watch the grown-ups interacting with all the children.

Grandma Barbara touching Tessa's foot...

Baby feet are just so cute!!!

Singing "You Are My Sunshine."

This reminds me of a Renaissance painting.

One of my favorite photos of the day - Tessa's eyes, Michelle's expression and that light streaming in is just so dreamy...

Grandma Joelle reading ee cumings' "i carry your heart."

Grandma Barbara reading Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "How Do I Love Thee."

Magnolia Bakery cupcakes - yum!!!

Tessa's first cupcake!

Make a wish! Happy Birhtday Tessa!


Today I Eat Cake! - I love her birthday hat!

Tessa's first two teeth - that is just the cutest!

The kids had a blast with a pinata at the end of the party.


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