I look for images which capture a kind of magic of the everyday - the subtle moments as life unfolds. It's my way of telling a story. I love how photographs can evoke memories as well as reference reality. I photograph to see the possibilities of what is, what can be and sometimes what was. It's a discovery and the resultant image is a tremendous gift. This blog is a means of sharing and giving back some uncommonly beautiful moments provided by the people and places I met. The title, You Are Here, came about as a desire for this space to function both as a kind of guidepost and meeting point. Thank you.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Diane & Rob

Here's a few images I took of Diane and Rob in early spring. Their wedding day on October 3rd is approaching soon and I can't wait to photograph it! I have known Diane since she was about 14 or 15 as her older sister is one of my dearest friends. I'm so happy that these two beautifully wondrous beings have found each other and fell in love - just look at them!
Cheers guys!!!


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