I look for images which capture a kind of magic of the everyday - the subtle moments as life unfolds. It's my way of telling a story. I love how photographs can evoke memories as well as reference reality. I photograph to see the possibilities of what is, what can be and sometimes what was. It's a discovery and the resultant image is a tremendous gift. This blog is a means of sharing and giving back some uncommonly beautiful moments provided by the people and places I met. The title, You Are Here, came about as a desire for this space to function both as a kind of guidepost and meeting point. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Diane and Rob got married!!! - the slideshow.

Here's the long awaited slideshow from Diane's and Rob's fabulously fun wedding!!!

Hey you two love birds: sit back, get a glass of wine, relax and enjoy this really long (5 minutes!) recap from your nuptials day - I couldn't help it with all these images I love! It was great seeing them again and remembering just how beautiful and joyful your wedding was. I've decided that the photo below is now one of my top favorites from the reception because, to me, it shows genuine happiness in a 'yeah, we did it and we're loving every minute of it!' kind of a way. Sweet.



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