I look for images which capture a kind of magic of the everyday - the subtle moments as life unfolds. It's my way of telling a story. I love how photographs can evoke memories as well as reference reality. I photograph to see the possibilities of what is, what can be and sometimes what was. It's a discovery and the resultant image is a tremendous gift. This blog is a means of sharing and giving back some uncommonly beautiful moments provided by the people and places I met. The title, You Are Here, came about as a desire for this space to function both as a kind of guidepost and meeting point. Thank you.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Introducing Baby Margo!

What amazes me the most about babies is how much they already know – how intuitively smart they are. When I arrived to photograph Margo, Aylin and Daniel’s lovely seven week old baby daughter, she gave me a most inquisitive look! Never having met me before the expression on her face asked – ‘Who are you? What are you doing here?’ - and when I started photographing with my big Canon 5D camera (with an even bigger lens!) she must have thought I was some strange one-eyed creature! Yet, she was not afraid having quickly sensed the amicable way her parents and I related to each other. Very quickly she warmed up to my presence and astonishingly, started naturally posing for the camera!

Margo is such a sweet little bird! She doesn’t really cry but coos. Actually she has a whole repertoire of cooing sounds. I especially liked when she would softly call out ‘aaa’ to get my attention as if saying ‘hey, look at me!’ And when she smiles well... your heart just melts!
I heard somewhere that the Greek origin of the name Margo means ‘pearl’ and that is such an apt description for this baby girl – a splendid little gem so uniquely her own being already! This is the other thing that amazes me about babies – they’re born with innate personalities and talents and I guess it’s up to us, the grown-ups, to give them the love and safety to encourage their uniqueness to blossom.

Thanks for the fun photo session! Enjoy your slideshow and a peak at some of my favorite moments:

I love the serendipity in the way the shape of Margo's lips is repeated in the formation of the birds in the painting on the wall.

Have I mentioned that she is only seven weeks old?! I couldn't believe how engaged she was with the camera!

Aylin and Daniel make parenting look like it's the best fun ever!

The bonding look... I'm so awed by the way Margo looks at her mama.

Making funny faces!

Little adorable head!

Aylin's, Daniel's and Margo's favorite place to hang out on a Sunday afternoon.


'We have the same lines on our feet!'

Love that color!

Feeding time.

Aylin's friend made this fabulous chandelier just for Margo - isn't it great?



Margo's plush friends...

These two are literally in love with life itself!


So cute - the way Margo's tiny lips curl out in a happy slumber.


The wonder-filled world of Margo!






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